The dilemmas and countermeasures of teaching staff construction under the concept of engineering education
RESEARCHES IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF PHARMACY ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 76-80,86.
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Key words: engineering education, ethics and style of teacher, college teachers
关键词: 工程教育, 师德师风, 高校教师
CLC Number:
LI Lingkun, LI Zhe, WANG Cui, WANG Fang.
The dilemmas and countermeasures of teaching staff construction under the concept of engineering education [J]. RESEARCHES IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF PHARMACY, 2024, 42(2): 76-80,86.
李灵坤, 李哲, 王翠, 王芳. 工程教育理念下师资队伍建设的困境与对策[J]. 高等药学教育研究, 2024, 42(2): 76-80,86.
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